This morning i dreamt about a group of locals heading for a cruise ship. And they were obviously recruiting me to join their journey, but suddenly i remembered my mothers teaching which was to never do something that you never initially intended to do. Then i seized back watching them go.
Dreams about being offered an opportunity to travel or go on a journey can symbolize a desire to explore new things or take on new challenges in your waking life. In your dream, the group of locals recruiting you to join their journey may represent a potential new opportunity that has presented itself to you.
However, your mother's teaching in the dream serves as a reminder to think carefully before making a decision - to not be swayed by others' opinions or desires. It is possible that in your waking life, you are facing a decision or choice that requires careful consideration. You may need to think about your own intentions and desires to make the right decision for you.
Overall, this dream can be a reminder to make decisions based on what is best for yourself, rather than being swayed by others' opinions or desires, as well as a call to consider all options before making a final decision.